
Introducing Moksha Yoga

A number of weeks ago I had the privilege of taking a yoga class at Moksha Yoga here in Winnipeg. It was amazing! From the top-notch facilities to the friendly staff, the first impression was a good one. My instructor was able to modify things for me (the first-timer) while keeping it challenging for the experienced yogis. She even took the time afterwards to comment on how well I did in the class.

You see, there's something about moksha yoga you have to know. It's done in a 37-39 degree room. I was able to do most of it without even having to lie down. (Others on their first time find the heat difficult to manage and nausea and dizziness can result). It was definitely challenging to do the 90-minute class, but it was so worth it! I struggle with insomnia, but after that class I could've gone to sleep at suppertime! Such a deep relaxation came over my body.

There are many benefits to moksha yoga. I've asked Moksha to be a guest on our blog every month, and so hopefully we'll learn some of them, as well as learning more about their studio. This month, they've contributed a short article on eating local, as two of their core philosophies are caring for the environment and a healthy lifestyle.

Eco-Tip - Eating Local (courtesy of Moksha Yoga)

Did you know that a typical ingredient on your plate has traveled 1,500 miles or more from farm to plate? In fact, most of the food we eat is grown in places we’ll never visit. For example, lettuce in grocery stores usually originates in China, a place that many of us will only ever dream of seeing.

Having food travel so far from farm to plate brings up some very valid health and environmental concerns. To be ripe in our stores, produce is picked well before it’s ripe so that it can survive the journey to our plate, robbing us of many beneficial nutrients that we should be getting from our food. From an environmental perspective, the amount of fuel used to bring the food from point A to point B is very destructive to our environment, which is detrimental to not only our health, but the health of the planet too.

Thank goodness we have other options available to us! We live in a place surrounded by farms, which always means farmers markets! The farmers market in St. Norbert is a great place to spend your Saturday morning, and new this year is the Osborne farmers market that takes place at the corner of River and Osborne every Thursday from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. This is the best time of year to get good, fresh, locally grown produce just chalk-a-block with nutrients!

For more information on farmers markets in the area see Farmers Markets in Manitoba. For more information on how you can introduce more local goods into your diet, check out the 100-mile diet. Last year a group of people from Winnipeg did a 100 day 100-mile challenge. Hmmm….sounds interesting…..

Thanks, Moksha Yoga for your interest in our business and a helpful tip on trying to eat well and live well. At Eve Studios, we're trying to help women feel good about their bodies. Although our skill is photography, there are many ways to do it and good nutrition is one of them.

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