
Not just for others

I have to apologize. Leading up to Christmas (and Valentine's), all you've heard from our business is "do this for your man". And while gorgeous pictures of you is a great gift idea, I think it's time we bring the focus back to you. You are beautiful. You have value. Whether you're in a relationship or not. Whether you're happily or unhappily single. You are beautiful and you can celebrate all you are.

There are lots of ways to do this. One way is to honour your thoughts and feelings. Give them a voice. Start by expressing them on paper. Learn how to share them in a way that respects others and respects yourself. Another way is to take care of your body. Begin by listening to its subtle and not-so-subtle cues. Often, you can find ways to rest and recharge during a busy day if you look for them. Notice what gives you energy and joy and what drains you. Then begin to act on those observations.

Even as I begin to share these ideas, I know from my own life that making changes to benefit me sounds good on paper--but actually making the changes involves a whole combination of conviction, commitment, and support. It's a process. So be gentle with yourself. Receive from others. Notice beauty. Give with gratitude. And you...will...sparkle.

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